Among the four giants of the web is the Global Internet Forum to counter terrorism. Here’s how these web giants say NO about hate and propaganda of terrorism in the world.
In the last few weeks there have been many moves, especially from Facebook and You Tube, among the web giants extends collaboration with the launch of a new alliance the Global Internet Forum to counter terrorism. Alliance to which besides the two giants of Menlo Park and Big G, are added also Microsoft and Twitter.
This initiative is inspired by other programs such as the Shared Industry Hash Database and the Eu Internet Forum, the conclusions of the recent meetings of the G7 and the European Council and various discussions with the British Government.
From a recent post on the official Google blog including published on the Financial Times, it reads: “The spread of terrorism and violent extremism is a pressing global problem and a critical challenge for all of us, we take these issues very seriously and each of the Our companies have developed policies and removal practices that allow us to keep a hard line against terrorist or violent extremist content on our platforms. We believe we can have a greater impact on the threat of online terrorist content by working together and sharing the best of our Respective technologies and operating modes “.
This, like so many other strategies, will change over time, but at this initial stage, it will focus on three fundamental aspects. The four groups will jointly develop various technology projects, including the Shared Industry Hash launched last December. They will jointly use the best practices that are developed and jointly implement new techniques for controlling / sensing and classifying content using machine learning. They will ultimately define standard methods to offer transparency on the removal of terrorist content
In the second point, everything will be around the search: the four colossies will jointly commission new studies and research to guide their efforts against narratives and future techniques and policies that will help remove such images, images, and posts. The third point concerns sharing knowledge: governments, civil society, academics and other companies will benefit from such information obtained through the Un Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate and the Ict4Peace initiative.
So, Google & Co. Will collaborate with smaller companies to help develop technology solutions useful to combat terrorist propaganda. In development there are also agreements and partnerships, such as those with the Anti-Defamation League, to identify the best ways to counteract extremism and hate on the web. Finally, in addition to hosting a number of workshops in collaboration with the UN Cted in both Silicon Valley and many other places in the world, they will push hard on the so-called “counterspeech”, countering terrorism and obscuring terrorist propaganda on the web, enhancing Programs already started, such as: YouTube Creator for Change, Facebook P2P and Oc, Jigsaw Redirect Method, Twitter’s global training program, Microsoft partnerships with Istitute for Strategic Dialogue for counter narratives on Bing.